Called to love your neighbor?

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The Churches in Mission project cultivates local mission clarity with first year and transitioning pastors. Our goal is to move beyond individualized expressions of the Christian faith toward communal listening and engagement in neighborhood ministries. We utilize a process based approach which allows congregations to engage the unique gifts and challenges of their particular contexts. 

Pastors enter a 12 month process with an ecumenical cohort from across the United States. We begin with a season of listening and discovery both in the congregation and in the neighborhood. This is followed by an invitation to gratitude and experimentation in local mission. The final phase emphasizes discernment and creating next steps. Throughout the year, participating pastors are supported by resources and coaching from the Churches in Mission team. Apply by January 30, 2023 to join our next cohort, which will kick off in March, 2023!  

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Members of Bridge to Grace Covenant Church in Roswell, GA, had a feeling that God was inviting them into something new. They wanted to make a difference in their neighborhood, which had changed significantly since the church was founded 40 years ago. The neighborhood was once made up primarily of single-family homes priced for middle- to upper-class buyers. Over the last decade, 10,000 new apartments were built across the street from the church. New neighbors moved in, many immigrating from Central and South America.

Complete the Pre-Application Checklist to decide whether to apply.

Gather your application materials in preparation for completing the application. Need help? Contact us!

Complete an application before January 30, 2023, to join the next cohort.  

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. 

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Director of Churches in Mission Hannah Stevens